Productive Conflict:
Power Intelligence Coaching

Productive Conflict:
Power Intelligence
Helping you identify critical opportunities related to your use of power
At Productive Conflict, we recognize the profound impact of understanding power. We help you navigate the intricacies of power dynamics with finesse and skill. Our mission is to equip you with knowledge and insights that unlock your own unique power, driving positive change.
This service package includes one-on-one coaching with the Diamond Power Index 360 leadership assessment tool.
Jennifer Jones-Patulli, MA, HSDP is a member of the Diamond Leadership certified coaches network.
“Hi Jennifer, I really appreciated your advice and it helped me to think within my realm of control aside from a more emotionally charged perspective.”
Power Intelligence Coaching
- 1-hour introductory session
- DPI Self-assessment
- DPI 360-assessment
- 1.5-hour assessment review coaching session
- 1-hour implementation coaching session
- 30-min follow-up session
What you can expect
- Private and confidential
- Issue identification and goal setting
- Education on power intelligence
- Online DPI assessment tool
- Detailed report with power analysis
- Clear next steps and implementation strategies
What is Power Intelligence?
“Power Intelligence is the ability to use power effectively, in a manner that ensures people do speak up, that we get honest feedback, that those around us can disagree, raise a red flag if needed, and bring their very best thinking to the table.” – Julie Diamond.
A good use of power:
- Builds trust
- Enables you to get valuable feedback
- Increase productivity
A poor use of power:
- Diminishes psychological safety
- Amplifies some voices over others
- Creates blind spots
If you don’t see the impacts of your power on others, you are at risk of setting conditions for leadership failure.
Helping you identify critical opportunities related to your use of power
At Productive Conflict, we recognize the profound impact of understanding power. We help you navigate the intricacies of power dynamics with finesse and skill. Our mission is to equip you with knowledge and insights that unlock your own unique power, driving positive change.
This service package includes one-on-one coaching with the Diamond Power Index 360 leadership assessment tool.
Jennifer Jones-Patulli, MA, HSDP is a member of the Diamond Leadership certified coaches network.
“Hi Jennifer, I really appreciated your advice and it helped me to think within my realm of control aside from a more emotionally charged perspective.”
Power Intelligence Coaching
- 1-hour introductory session
- DPI Self-assessment
- DPI 360-assessment
- 1.5-hour assessment review coaching session
- 1-hour implementation coaching session
- 30-min follow up session
What you can expect
- Private and confidential
- Issue identification and goal setting
- Education on power intelligence
- Online DPI assessment tool
- Detailed report with power analysis
- Clear next steps and implementation strategies
What is Power Intelligence?
“Power Intelligence is the ability to use power effectively, in a manner that ensures people do speak up, that we get honest feedback, that those around us can disagree, raise a red flag if needed, and bring their very best thinking to the table.” – Julie Diamond.
A good use of power:
- Builds trust
- Enables you to get valuable feedback
- Increase productivity
A poor use of power:
- Diminishes psychological safety
- Amplifies some voices over others
- Creates blind spots
If you don’t see the impacts of your power on others, you are at risk of setting conditions for leadership failure.